Berkshire Yarn Mill: Free and Independent States
Event Date:
July 5, 2022
Event Time:
7:00 pm
Event Location:
Flat Burger Society
The Berkshire Yarn Mill story slam strikes again!
We’ve all needed to break away. We may have had to scheme, save, wait, or fight, but we knew we couldn’t go much longer without our freedom.
Maybe we didn’t need to risk our Lives, our Fortunes, or our sacred Honor (or maybe we did), but it probably wasn’t a cakewalk to our independence, either. What were we breaking free from? Anything — a job, relationship, a crappy town, maybe just an insufferable conversation with that pompous ass from R&D. The Berkshire Yarn Mill is that place to spin that tale. The rules are simple:
• Must be true
• Must have happened to you
• No notes or props
• You’ll have five minutes
Our panel of judges, led by Chief Justice Louise Hendry, will pick a winner, who may just go home with fabulous prizes.